Building the Peer-to-Peer Internet

Participants will learn about community networks, wireless mesh networks, distributed applications, and train their pet Raspberry Pi to do networking things. This is a hands-on session where participants will use IPFS and Secure Scuttlebutt on a mesh network of Raspberry Pis, then perhaps become future facilitators of this open-source workshop.

Benedict Lau
Co-founding Member, Hypha Worker Co-operative

Benedict Lau is an engineer of distributed systems, mesh networks, and collectively-governed infrastructures. He is a Co-founding Member of Hypha Worker Co-operative and Distributed Press, and CTO of Starling Lab for Data Integrity.


Videos from the summit:

Dawn Walker
Hypha Worker Co-operative

Dawn Walker is a PhD student at the University of Toronto focused on participatory design tactics for grassroots environmental monitoring civic technologies. Based in Toronto, she has organized workshops on mesh networking and decentralized technologies with Toronto Mesh. As a member of EDGI and Data Together, she imagines possibilities for more just and resilient environmental and climate data.