Design Track


Design Track is the dedicated programming chapter for all things design at DWeb Camp.

From hands-on co-working sessions to participatory co-design workshops, it is where designers, researchers, tech creators, makers, activists, artists, and anyone interested can come together to collaborate and explore how design can contribute to the making of a more user-friendly, inclusive, and environmentally conscious decentralized web. 

This year, we are focusing on a wide range of design challenges specific to decentralization, Internet freedom, open-source ecosystems and the future of our society and planet:
Design Track topics at Dweb Camp



Co-design the Design Track 

No spectators, only participants. 
This is how DWeb Camp has been running for years. In fact, the program is entirely created by attendees like you! Here are some ways in which you can participate in co-designing the Design Track:



And enjoy the camp beyond the Design Track, talks or workshops: 

Design Track attendees


DWeb Camp is all about sharing and giving. If you're planning on attending, consider leading a session! We’ve prepared some guidelines for session design in the section below. 

Planning a strong session

Whether it's a workshop, a talk, or a discussion, we encourage sessions to be as participatory, hands-on, and collaborative as possible. Please consider the following criteria when designing your session:

  1. Relevant
    How might  your proposal be relevant to the needs and interests of the DWeb community? Does it aim to find solutions to an existing problem or address a real-world need?

  2. Participatory
    How might your proposal prioritize the participant experience? Does it put forth an intentional session design to ensure participants are invested?

  3. Original
    Does your proposal introduce a new idea or offer a fresh take on an issue? Does it purposefully build on an established conversation?

  4. Diverse
    How might your proposal welcome people with diverse experiences and opinions to the table? What are ways it can feature perspectives from different contexts and communities?

  5. Inclusive
    How might your proposal be accessible to the broad audience of Dweb Camp participants and not just people with technical knowledge?




If you have any questions or need help turning an idea into a session,
please contact Ira at [email protected] or @IraNezhynska on telegram. 


Do you need to convince your boss to send you to DWeb Camp?
We've put together a few slides to help out:

link to the slidedeck