Challenges of Federation: The Epistemic Brokenness of the U.S. Government's Knowledge Management System Jamie Joyce

Presented by Jamie Joyce

This talk is formatted to cover the following:

  • Personal Intro
  • Introductory Story
  • Intro to the subject
  • Artifact level issues
  • Platform level issues
  • System level issues
  • Possibility if we overcome said challenges
Jamie Joyce
Internet Archive / The Society Library

Jamie is the U.S. Director of the Democracy's Library Department at the Internet Archive, a program focused on collecting government documents, datasets, research, records, and publications from the municipal to federal level in the United States. Jamie is also the Executive Director of The Society Library, a 501(c)3 collective intelligence organization which builds knowledge graphs and decision-making models to make sense of complex sociopolitical issues. Prior to this work, she worked in International Sustainable Development, having served as COO of a UN-Accredited NGO and oversaw diverse projects in 20 countries.


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