Matrix: decentralised encrypted communication for all! by Kegan Dougal

Presented by Kegan Dougal

An interactive VIP tour of everything's which is happening in the Matrix ecosystem for encrypted, decentralised communication - whether that's brand new "better-than-mainstream" Matrix clients like Element X or Third Room, implementing EU Digital Markets Act interoperability between existing communication services; layering Matrix to provide secure communication semantics on top of other protocols (e.g. MIMI or ATProtocol); Peer-to-Peer Matrix for full decentralisation and account portability; or integrating post-quantum and MLS encryption into Matrix.

Kegan Dougal
Staff Software Engineer, Element

Kegan is one of the core developers behind Matrix, having worked on the protocol since the beginning. He enjoys deeply technical problems and the liberation of communication which Matrix provides to the wider world. In recent times he has focused on what the protocol will look like in the future including account portability, P2P, faster client syncing and low bandwidth protocols to name a few.


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